MEW Wallet: Empower Crypto Journey

Unlock the potential of your crypto portfolio with MEW Wallet. Enjoy intuitive management, enhanced security, and effortless Ethereum transactions. Safely manage your Ethereum assets with ease.

MEW is one choice for a wallet, there are many others out there. It is the user’s responsibility to perform the required research and choose the best ERC20-compliant wallet for them. During this process you’ll be learn how to use MEW to send transactions. We cannot stress enough the importance of entering the correct destination address — if you enter the wrong address, you’ll lose access to your tokens. There is simply no recourse for this scenario. Therefore, it’s important that you do a small test send to ensure you have entered everything correctly.


  • To begin the transaction send set up, please visit: Please make sure the address is correct and there is a ‘green lock’ next to the address indicating the website is secure.

  • In order to restore your wallet, select ‘Send Ether & Tokens’. In this example, we will use our Keystore File (1) to restore our wallet.

  • MEW will prompt you to ‘Select Wallet File…’ (2). Please select the file that was generated when you created your address.

  • Since the file is encrypted, you will be required to enter the password to unlock the private keys. Once you’ve finished entering your password, click ‘Unlock’ (3).

  • Update (4/26/2017): MyEtherWallet has added Trustcoin (TRST) as one of their native ERC 20 tokens, so the following (in quoted text) will not be needed. MyEtherWallet will populate the below automatically for you.

Under ‘Token Balances’, select the option to ‘Add Custom Token’. A drop down will appear and you will be required to enter the WeTrust Token Contract Address, Token Symbol, and number of Decimals. Please see below for the fields to be entered:

This address is: ‘0xCb94be6f13A1182E4A4B6140cb7bf2025d28e41B’. Do not send money to this address. We do not control it and funds sent here will be lost forever.

  • Next, in order to send the transaction, you will need to enter in: your destination address in the ‘To Address’ field and the ‘Amount to Send(4). It is IMPORTANT that this is correct and there are no typos. Failure to enter the correct address and send amount will result in lost funds. Transactions are irreversible.

  • The ‘Gas Limit(4) will auto-populate, but you will need to have at least 55,000 gas to have the transaction go through. Please keep in mind you will need to have some ETH in your wallet to be able to send your TRST as there is a small gas fee.

  • A warning message will appear and this will be the final confirmation before your transaction is sent. Make sure you confirm the ‘Amount to Send’ and the ‘To Address’ prior to making the transaction.

  • Congratulations, you transaction has been sent. Once your transaction has been mined, your recipient should see their funds. Due to varying speeds of the Blockchain, transaction speed can vary day to day. It usually shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Last updated